Power supply

Since almost all readily available monitors start with 120 volts, the most practical way to power the pixframe is to run 120 volt power, ideally through the wall, to a disconnect plug so that the monitor can easily be removed from the wall.

The plug that is connected to the pixframe has a wire that is soldered to two leads:

one pair is soldered to the monitor power cord; the other is soldered to a 5 volt raspberry pi power supply.

I crack it open, remove the flat wall prongs and solder a connectoin to the incoming power and close up the hole with epoxy.

I like to run the power behind the wallboard: I drill a 5/8" hole in the wall behind the pixframe and a corresponding hole just above the baseboard directly below. I drop a light chain down the hole and find it with a magnet. This is used to pull a length of zip cord. I put plastic wiremold along the baseboard to cover the bottom hole and conceal the wire until it exits near a wall socked behind a piece of furniture where I can put a power strip on the floor.